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For a limited period, of days, weeks or

months, a building site is equivalent to a

medium-sized enterprise with an output

valued in millions of Riyals, engaged not in

mass manufacture but in the production of a

single unique structure.


We have wide experience in successfully executing projects of varied nature such as:



Heavy industrial, civil and underground works, pipeline civil works, all types

of heavy foundation and structural works, shore civil works, large excavation

works, High volume backfilling works, etc.

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Reinforced concrete, precast and steel structures, as well as prefabricated and

pre-engineered buildings for residential and commercial units for public and

private Sectors.

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Construction of industrial estates, of community housing and townships,

onshore marine works, agricultural storage facilities, etc.

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Building electromechanical & plumbing works (MEP), tank fabrication and

installation works, HVAC works, medium & low voltage electrical works, etc.

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Temporary and permanent; Camps, Offices, Warehouses, Workshops and

Laydown Yards.


MIMCO Arabia management holds in high regard the safety, welfare and health of its employees.

We believe that every employee is entitled to work under the safest possible conditions.

All possible efforts will be made in the interest of accident prevention in all of our projects.

The Company is committed to implement the following
Health and Safety policy:

Identify and evaluate health risks related to its operations that potentially affect its employees or the public.

 Implement programs and appropriate protective measures to control such risks, including appropriate monitoring of its potentially affected employees.

Communicate in a reasonable manner to potentially affected individuals or organizations, and the scientific community, knowledge about health risks gained from its health programs and related studies.

Determine at the time of employment and thereafter, as 

appropriate, the medical fitness of employees to do their work without undue risk to themselves or others.

Provide or arrange for medical services necessary for the treatment of employee occupational illness or injuries and for the handling of medical emergencies.


Akaria Plaza, Gate "D", Level 6

Olaya Main Street,P.O Box 86334

Riyadh 11622, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

+96611486 8552

+966 581177430

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